Friday, February 27, 2009

A Poem....

From the West they both came
Competition their game
On the morrow we’ll see
Who the winner will be.
Is Tony the one?
Is Don on the run?
Who is the best?
Who gets a rest?
A medal at stake
Prime rib is the bait.
The people decide
Gustation their guide.
That lovely poem was from Pauline & George and gets them into the cigar box for the lunch ticket drawing at Sunday's FunBuzz.
Do you have a poem?
Monday, March 2 is the last blood drive for the season. There are still a few slots left from 11:00 am and 12 noon. There will be a drawing at March FunBuzz for lunch tickets for those who have signed up to donate. Bring ID, a list of your meds, and please be clothed in deference to the blood mobile employees.

Sharon, #116

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's a Limerick I saw on the website:

I simply cannot understand
Why bathing suits are in demand

They're soggy and damp
They bind like a clamp

And hold about three pounds of sand!