Saturday, February 28, 2009

The First Week in March...

You may be confused. What the heck do Owls have to do with Sandpiper's Resort?
We Owls are a loose, very very loose, organization whose actual charter has us doing nothing all year. But we do it in matching shirts.
This week the 2009 class of owl wannabes is undergoing the rites of passage. It isn't too late to join the fun. If you want to be an Owl hoot yourself over to the pavilion and sign up. If you just want to see what all the fuss is about hoot over to John #5 or Yvon #427 to get your Owl dinner ticket ($5 @). Dinner will be Salisbury Owl steaks, said to have most feathers removed.
Yes, we are cannibals. Friday is the New Owl initiation and dinner. Do come, It's a HOOT!The Owl dinner is the one event that true Owls don't miss (besides the pizza and beer party, that is). It's when we get to hoot at the tortures the new class is subjected too. Now don't let that scare you.
The tortures have been getting progressively milder since the year of tar & feathers.
Now....the Funs-A-Poppin Talent Show for next Saturday. March 7.
Get over to Jon & Rita's (300 row) and get you FREE reserved tickets for afternoon or evening performance.
Oh, I know, I know. You say you saw it last month.
NO YOU DIDN'T!Did you see this?Or this?
There are lots of new acts, or the old ones have been refined.
But especially come to the show to see the belly dancers.
I have had a tiny glimpse into what these 15 ....15!... women have been
doing for the last several weeks. Hours and hours of practise. Hours and hours of shopping for costumes. Sewing, glueing, sweating their buns off!
All for give us a delightful new passion for Sandpeeps. Next season there will be a troupe forming for all those interested in pursuing this dance form. This is the inauguration.I promise beautiful dancing girls, exotic make-up, sheer veils
and haunting music.I don't promise snakes.


SueZ said...

Where else but Sandpiper's will people line up for tickets to sit naked in the audience to see clothed people on stage.

Anonymous said...

Where can we get a big old (non-poisonous) snake to dance with? Too bad I gave away the one from Halloween ;-(

I predict there will be a rush to join the new belly dance troupe once the ladies see their "normal" friends up there on stage enjoying themselves. Start looking for bangles and bells and creative outfits now and during the summer. We'll hit the ground running come fall.


Anonymous said...

I am one of the bellydancers for the upcoming show and I am having great fun learning the dance PLUS!!! being creative in designing my costume,snd
shopping for all the doo-dads.
Also great exercise, with a wonderful teacher. Looking forward to the show as we missed the first "Funs A Poppin" show.