Monday, November 30, 2009

Adopt-A-Family Food List Reminder

We still have a few weeks before the deadline ( Dec. 17) to drop off food on Elsie's porch...but the elves are just the teeniest bit nervous 'cause, so far, the cupboard is a little bare.
Pick up a few items from the list below, and drop them off at Elsie's #114 (she's not there-just open the door to the porch and go on in).
Deadline in Dec. 17
Also...if you have any blankets or quilts in good condition that you no longer need/want, give them to Bernie #36. They are going to be given to the families to keep warm.



2009 FOOD DRIVE for

Drop off Donations
Elsie’s # 114
Beans, Black, canned
Beans, Kidney, canned
Beans, Pinto, canned
Beans, Pinto, dry bagged
Beans, re-fried
Cocoa, hot chocolate mix
Cookies, packaged
Cooking oil (vegetable, canola, etc.)
Crackers, packaged
Flour, all purpose
Flour, Masa
Fruits, canned
Hominy, canned 6 lb. +
Jello, any flavor
Juices, canned, bottled
Lard, labeled “Manteca” in Spanish
Macaroni & Cheese, box
Meats, canned(Spam, Ham, etc.)
Menudo (soup), canned
Milk, Evaporated, canned
Milk, Sweetened Condensed, canned
Noodles, Ramen
Pasta (spaghetti, macaroni, noodles)
Peanut Butter
Rice, white
Soups, canned or dry
Spaghetti sauce, canned/bottled
Stews, canned
Tuna Fish, canned
Vegetables, canned (corn, green beans, etc.)
Vermicelli, (pasta), 5 oz. box Q&Q Brand in yellow box


John #5 said...

Just a reminder that Elsie's house is at 114. Thanks

SueZ said...

Somewhere along the way #108 got inserted into a blog or poster or something and it keeps rearing its head...Go to #114 to drop off food. Thanks John!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sandpipers,
If you want to leave food at #108 we'll love it. But Garland doesn't like black beans or menudo. I don't need any lard, either.
Just kidding! It's really 114.
Patsy #108