Saturday, November 7, 2009


We started selling the SandPiper Cookbooks at Junque & Java this morning.

If you haven't gotten yours yet, come to #38 and pick it up.

The more you buy, the cheaper they are.

Think Christmas presents for your extended family!


Buy one for $10.00

Two for $9.00@

Three for $8.00 @

and four or more..$7.00@

There are great recipes, tried and true, from most of the great Sandpiper cooks.

And cooks from all over the U.S. and you get a wide variety of recipes.


All you great cooks who submitted recipes...please proof read your recipes and let us know if we made any mistakes so we can send out corrections.

That said, I want to explain that Catherine's Pumpkin Meatloaf recipe
really doesn't have any pumpkin in it.
Ask her about the pumpkin part of the recipe if you are curious....a mystery!

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