Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Somethings to Think About.

At the next FunBuzz on Dec. 1st, Lanny is going to talk about a few subjects.
This is a heads-up to get you thinking about them.

1. Show of hands if interested in tour of Crowley sugar mill.

2. Show of hands if interested in tour of Falcon Dam.

3. Upcoming fire extinguisher training class.


Ken (409) asks...Is anyone interested in going on a Copper Canyon trip?

Let's get a trip organized.

Perhaps a show of hands at FunBuzz to see if this is worth pursuing.



HOSTS: Lanny and Donna Talbott #16, 956.358.1923

Rides depart at 9:00am from front gate unless otherwise noted

Dec 01 Los Ebanos Ferry & Diaz Ordaz Mexico.
Ride the last hand-drawn ferry across the Rio Grande (border ID required).
Lunch at Vallarta seafood in Diaz Ordaz.

Dec 08 Port Isabel.
Mostly waterfront ride of shrimping fleet, historic area & fancy homes.
Meet at PI Lighthouse at 10:30AM.
Lunch at White Sands Restaurant.

Dec 15 Mission Bike trail.
14 mile round trip, along canal route.
Lunch at Pepe’s on the River.

Dec 22 Christmas week – no scheduled ride.

Dec 29 Bentsen State Park,
Mission. 5 mile ride in bird & wildlife reserve. Fee area.
Lunch at Danny’s Mexican Restaurant, Mission.
And lastly, the old office mobile is out of here in the next day or so, if the weather cooperates. Then we are going to dismantle the front fountain garden and have some new flag poles there instead, with a red, white and blue flower theme at it's base.
we need gardeners/helpers to:
dig up and trim plants...
decide where they will be moved (butterfly or firepit)...
Thursday, Dec. 17
I'm starting at 9am, but come over when you can.


alan said...

Sue, are you sure anyone else is reading the blogs? No reaction for awhile even though you have great offers for those who participate~~!!
Lanny has some super ideas but we'll not be there until Jan.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading - well, at least looking at the pictures...

Isn't the bicycle in that picture Joan's bicycle? Somebody painted it and... I'm not sure that is Joan riding it!

Activity tonight suggests that the old office mobile will be out of here real soon. They're welding the hitch on it this evening (Tuesday) in the rain!

Tom 308