Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reminder Time....

In case you don't know, Happy Hour starts at 4pm....
and it's always 4 o'clock somewhere....
Oh, and though I missed it, there was some excitement
just outside our fence yesterday.
I don't have all the facts, so if you know more, do tell....
apparently our due south neighbors tried smoking out some bees near our fence line and the fire got away from them.
Karen, Mel (old Mel! No, not THAT old Mel, the other old Mel), Tony and a host of helpers sprayed water, called 911, listened for fire trucks and generally controlled what could have been a disaster.
Not to worry.
All is fine.
No damage to us other than some frayed nerves.
Come to Super Happy Hour and get the rest of the story...if there is one???

1 comment:

Ian said...

We have an excess of snow - anybody want us to bring some?