Monday, January 25, 2010

Olympic Plea

Message from the Olympic Directors:
The Olympics Are on the horizon!

Feb.19 - March 6

(Yes, there have been two days added) and my following plea!!

As the new Olympic Directors we have gotten the schedule in order and have managed, in all the craziness of life at Sandpipers, to speak with most of the event coordinators and we Thank those who have agreed to serve.

But, due to some people not being here this year, and a person or two we have not caught up with, we have some vacancies that need to be filled.

Please email your Olympic Directors at if you are willing to coordinate any of the following events.

If you have not be a coordinator in the past, it's easy and instructions are available!!

Washer Toss
Coed 2 on 2 Water Volleyball
Charmin Plunge
Lemon Roll
Wii Bowling
Horse Shoes
Body Painting
Men & Ladies Longest Wiffleball Drive

Sharon and Mike

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