Monday, January 11, 2010

Bits and Pieces..and the week to come.

I have a cache of leftover pictures that are just too share-able to ignore.
Pauline testing wine for the upcoming Nude-L-Fest.
She is so helpful that way.
Rich, picking up his first ever free game ticket at Flamingo Bowl!
Rich, you the MAN!And Pam P. comparing Sandpipers with Paris!

Cold Snap! Wait a minute---where’s that nice southern Texas weather I was yearning for
while we were across the pond??These temperatures are just like the ones we experienced
during our New Year’s Eve holiday in Paris.
I fell in love with the Eiffel Tower despite the cold.
How many times did we lose electricity in the past few days and how many of us
lost tomatoes, peppers, tropical plants?
Brrrr! We need some warm and sunny days to thaw out.
They are coming, I promise...but this week, though milder than the past few days,
promises to be cold and damp.
So...what's on the Sandpiper calendar this week to distract us?
Tuesday Bike ride on the Mission Bike Trail, IF it doesn't rain!
Warm and comforting soup at the Adopt-A-Family soup night. We all need soup!
Karen's Forum Wed. morning.
Snow Tourny Wed. afternoon (well named this year)
Great movie, Wed. Night, Angels & Demons!
Book Club, Thurs, 11:30, IN THE COMM ROOM!
More Snow Tourny Thurs.
Then the delicious Nude-L-Fest Sat. at 5:30.
The Gifts from the Heart Auction on Sunday!
So let's enjoy ourselves while we dream of warm sunshine.

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