Monday, January 18, 2010

From the Heart Recap

Ummmm, Pecan Pie...Cinnamon Rolls....Horseback Rides....Beer Tasting....Jeep Tours....Homemade Bread...Jellies....Quilts...Stained Glass Art!
Something for everyone at yesterday's From the Heart Auction!
I hope you were able to attend.
Even if you bought nothing it was a treat to watch and listen to the rival bidders
and especially to the banter between Miss Toni and H-less!
What auctioneers!
Real pros!
Toni is the QUEEN of the ad-libs and the perfect foil for Jon's commentary.
This auction afternoon is THE fund-raising event for the Activities fund,
and the bidders reflected that knowledge.
I mean, really!....$20 for a pan of cinnamon rolls!
Well, they are full of ooey-gooey, calorie laden goodness...
a real vehicle for getting that maple frosting into your mouth....
but the point is that $20 is going towards volleyball, dances, decorations,
all sorts of activities that need funding.
The equipment around here doesn't just magically appear, you know!
So if you were there spread the word about how much fun it was,
and if you weren't there, plan on attending next year.
And if you donated something from your heart, thank you, from our hearts!
It was and is a Sandpiper High-Light!


SueP said...

My mouth dropped open and stayed open during the height of biding for some items. Granted, all for a good cause, but $20, $30, $40 for a pie or a jar of salsa or a pan of ooey, gooey rolls? Damn!

It was great fun and a huge success. We're already thinking about what to offer next year. . .

Pam #122 said...

I loved the way Jon posted pictures and descriptions on the bulletin board in the pavilion ahead of time. It gave everyone the chance to dream about which of the assortment of wonderful items they wanted to bid on. No wonder the bids went so high!

Anonymous said...

The Auction was indeed a blazing success. How much money was raised for the Activity Fund?
Patsy 108