Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ahhh, the Pleasures of Wine & Cheese!

It occurred to me that despite all the wine and cheese tastings
we are experiencing lately,
I really don't know how to pair up the two.
I like 'em. I eat 'em.

In my ramblings around the internet I found this cheese clock that illustrates which cheese
with what beer or's kinda cool.And if you take it literally it means you should start drinking at 6AM with light white wine or champagne, paired with young, mild goat cheese, or triple cremes or bloomy rind cheese (whatever that is?). You've gotta love an event that starts you out at 6AM with champagne.

As you approach lunch time switch to light red wine or pilsner to accompany your mild cow or aged goat cheese. Soft to semi-firm. Hmmm...this is getting interesting.

Your afternoon's can handle aged cheddars and washed rind cheese, also known as stinky cheese, to go with your bigger red wines, ales or Lambic beer. My afternoon's are getting dizzy by now.

Finish your day with more stinky cheese, blue and Roquefort, washed down with dessert wines, port and stout. Finished, indeed.


If you signed up for B & B's wine class, don't forget, it's this Sunday, Jan. 11th, at 3PM in the Com room. This month they are doing the wines of Germany. If you missed signing up, check with them (#36) for cancellations (the number of students is limited to 40) for future classes.


And don't forget the cheese tasting Friday afternoon. I hope you were able to sign up for that. We may not start at 6AM but I know they have a huge variety of special cheeses that I want to try. With wine.

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