Saturday, December 20, 2008

S.N.O.W. Tournament Results & A Report From Points North.

The umpteenth Annual SNOW Tournament just concluded with petanque players
happy to have survived the cold and foggy weather.
Congratulations to the winning teams!

First place: Team #4
Dorothee # 506
George 31
Karen 403
Adele 31

Second Place: Team #2
Kathy # 24
Vanessa 209
Tommy outside park
Don 209

Third Place: Team #6
Maryjanne # 203
David 211
Bill 605
Paul 46
From Jon & Donna:
Hi All,
We made it back to Wisconsin safely. It was snowing when we landed on Tuesday night. Cleared up for a couple of days. Then the BIG ONE hit us. We woke up this morning to 12 - 14 inches of SNOW. Enjoy the pictures, because we sure didn't enjoy cleaning it all up at both of our Mom's houses.
Jon is still not done shoveling because we are waiting for the snow plow to come through at his mom's house and pack the driveway in! At my mom's house, the snow plow left hard packed snow at the driveway at least 4 - 5 feet deep. YIKES!!!
Hope you all are basking in the warm sun.
Hugs to all of you,
Jon & Donna


Anonymous said...

It just doesn't seem fair that those people get to have a white Christmas while we have to suffer through this heat & humidity.


alan said...

The first Sandpipers Nude Olympics occurred in Feb. 2000. SNOW started after that - Bob Dobbs could give you the precise year. Nude petanque tournaments have been held at Sandpipers for a long time but the First Nude Olympics at Sandpipers was during the Olympic year 0f 2000. The first nude olympics, of course, were the original versions held in ancient Greece.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your luck Jon but thanks anyway now we can see a white cristmas on the blog,instead of being there while we rest in 80 degree weather.Again thank you

Anonymous said...

Seeing Jon and Donna's pics reminds me that we've told our family(s) not to get sick, die, get married or have kids during cold weather. We won't be going north during the months of Nov thru May. Sorry.