Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Days of Wine & Cheese!

It's that time again.
That magical time of year we all look forward to.
We dream of it throughout the summer.
Plan for it while traveling.
Save for it in our budgets.
When the cool weather arrives the anticipation builds.

That's right! Wine & Cheese tasting events are here!
This Sunday, Dec. 14th at 3:00 p.m. is the BYOW
(W is for wine in case you are slow)
for everyone in the park.
Wine tasting cups will be provided so no one needs to bring their glass,
just a bottle of wine and a snack to share.
(IMPORTANT-NO GLASS, except for the wine bottles...I know, I know...doesn't necessarily make sense, but trust me I speak from experience about what happens when a glass object meets concrete)
Upcoming event for Friday, Jan. 9th is the cheese tasting.
The cost this year is $4 per person and we have 9 cheeses so far.
How many we end up with depends on how many sign-up and pay.
See Bob and Bernie at #36 to pay and get on the list.
And yes, you must pay in advance. Now this is hard to fathom, but occasionally, once in a while, sometimes....SandPeeps have signed up for something and forgotten about it. This generally means lost revenue or wasted food. So see B & B and pay your bucks.
This is a great way to try out pricey cheeses.


toni #46 said...

I loved this last year but Bob and Bernie took a bath on the beautiful, expensive cheese they provided and the many fewer than anticipated folks who showed up to share. They do so much for this wonderful place, it isn't fair that they should worry about this....and last year they had several pricey cheeses that I liked, and several others that I'd NEVER give house room...the four dollars admission saved me more than that in preventing the purchase of something I thought was nasty...let alone the embarrassment of serving it to guests. This is a fine time, please come.

Anonymous said...

Well said Toni, I would have written the same thing. Bob and Bernie have brought a new level of taste to the park, cheese-wise and wine-wise. Thank you Bob and Bernie for being who you are!