Saturday, June 28, 2008

VolleyBall Dilemma

What are we gonna do? As winter residents have left there has been a die hard group still playing water volleyball four times a week. In the hot, brutal sun and heat. Occasionally three teams, but lately two teams of five or six or seven is the norm.

When we take a break after three games (standard summer policy), much lively discussion ensues about how to manage the hoards who want to play volleyball come winter.

The input ranges from a laissez-faire attitude to downright Nazi-ism.

I personally lean towards the theory of self leveling. Just keep adding teams and people until it get so crowded that players go home in disgust. A matter of 'who breaks first'.

Jim on the other hand has a tendency to want to micro manage the problem to death. Probably a managment style left over from his
employed days.

Several players have chimed in with ideas:

  1. Adding more days (H-less is working on that),

  2. Having a sign-up sheet for the next players after the first 24 have formed three teams. Sign-ups rotate in as there is room from attrition.

  3. Having individually assigned days to play.

  4. Expanding the size of teams to 12 per side.

  5. Letting whatever happens, happen. A no regulation policy.

Now, let me tell you about why control won't work. Earlier this week Jim brought up an idea that we should cancel VB on Thursdays for awhile 'cause it was getting hard to have enough players show up at 11am to begin play. Oh, usually there are 6 or 7 people per side, but they straggle in, over a couple of hours. We all discussed it and the thought was, yes, it would probably force a commitment to play on Wednesdays, and we'd have enough players to start play at 11. Decision made, note put on the board.

What happened you ask?

Jim & I went shopping Thursday morning. Entering back into the park we see a game of VB in the pool! OK! So they want to play, no problem. We have learned a lesson. If the net is up, they will come.

After all is said and done, nudists are an individualistic group of adventurers, so we shouldn't be surprised that they rebel against rules.

I am putting up a VB poll. Highly unscientific, with a small sample of voters so we won't learn much. Vote anyway!

(Google may be having problems with the poll feature. If it doesn't work just think about it...or email me your thoughts.)

1 comment:

TButler said...

I left my comment but the GD software has lost it!!!!

I have a solution - each player picks up a tag with a code on the back. The code assigns teams based on the number of players available. Teams are between 8 and 12 (could be adjusted) players up to 96 players/12 teams. Or we could build a new pool!!!!