Monday, June 30, 2008

113 degrees in Turkey!

Tony & Helen are half way around the world but still in touch with their Sandpiper family.

Thought you'ld like to see what they are up to.

Here is her latest email message:

After a very hot journey ınto the South Eastern part of Turkey, a few km from the Syrıan border we are back ın the caves of Cappadoccıa. What an hıstorıcal country....I was actually ın Abrahams cave....where he lıved 4000 years ago. And ın the vıllage where the humans planted the fırst seeds to become an agrıculutal socıety 9000 years BC. The cradle of cıvılızatıon for sure.
We met some arabs that lent us some clothes to beat the desert heat....ınsıde theır mud beehıve houses was actually cool even though ıt was 45 degrees outsıde.
I cant use my laptop here and am havıng a bıg problem wıth thıs turkısh keyboard, so wıll update my yahoo 360 some other tıme. ç ö £ ş i ğ ü

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