Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My First Visit to Sandpiper's Resort

Hurray! The first (of many we can only hope) Sandpiper themed blogs. Let's start with a story, shall we.

Several years ago Jim & I were driving across country in our new-to-us Airstream LandYacht...from New Orleans, heading west. Visits to kids in Arizona, maybe go see the Grand Canyon, the kind of thing you do when newly retired with an RV. Now I knew Jim was a nudist at heart. Heck, couldn't keep clothes on him at home, even with neighbors and family popping in at odd moments. So I wasn't completely surprised when he tentatively asked if I would go along with his plans to drop down to South Texas as we returned home from this month long trip, to visit a clothing optional resort. No pressure, he assured me, to disrobe, as it is CLOTHING OPTIONAL! And, as further incentive, he would do all the kitchen clean up work in the RV for the whole trip.

Yowzers! Took me all of a half second to agree. So we did.

He had his clothes off and was puttering around outside the rig even before I had looked my fill, peeping from the windows at NAKED people, just walking around doing ordinary stuff. My first experiment had me sitting in a lawn chair, reading a book in the sun, wrapped round and round with a pareo. Not bad. A good feeling, kinda free. Til a neighbor lady walked up to introduce herself, and, as I peered up from my reclining position I saw thing even a gynecologist probably couldn't identify.

Whoa. Culture shock, but I survived.

It was a very warm day, and I knew you had to go into the pool sans bathing suit. When Jim mentioned there was a water aerobics class about to start I just picked myself up and never looked back. Fat people, wrinkled people, skinny people, scarred people. People with one leg, mastectomies, scars from cancer or accidents. I have yet to see a perfect body. I always see people of all ages enjoying life, reveling in the freedom of fresh air and sunshine on their bodies. And interesting people! Must be something about the kind of person willing to take a chance on this out-of-the-mainstream style of living, cause the people I've met and become dear friends with are interesting, complex, and adventurous. I've met doctors, truck drivers, college professors, bankers, nurses, teachers, farmers, rich, not-so-rich and downright poverty stricken. Horsemen, pilots, artists, writers, bird watchers, gardeners...what a great bunch of characters.

Do you have a 'First Time' story to share?

Next time is a story you really don't want to miss. How I got hit on at the luau.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am the first-Yahoo! oops-I mean google!

Jim-(blog spouse)