Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Interesting poll results, don't you think? More that 2 to 1 in favor of nude living versus clothing optional. I believe Sandpiper's is headed towards being a nudist resort instead of a clothing optional one, so the results of this (small and unscientific) poll should be encouraging to Karen & Jay.
Summer residents at Sandpiper's are taking it easy, trying to keep cool. No construction has started yet and the plans are fluid. There has been an ongoing legal issue keeping Karen busy and stressed. Hopefully it will be resolved soon, but you know, this particular "issue" has been hanging on for years.
Have you seen this pest?
American cockroach...disgusting! We haven't had many bug problems this year. We have had so little rain that mosquitos are virtually nonexistant, except near the front gate planter because of the automatic water system. There are flies around, and gnats, too, but not in huge numbers. And I truly haven't seen many cockroaches...except this morning when a granddaddy roach jumped out of a half empty potting soil bag. It ran like crazy so I'm sure it was more startled than me.
No...I was more startled. My scream proved it. It didn't scream.
Rick's sister Pam has been sharing her bedroom with what we always called a Palmetto Bug. I used to think it was a different species, but according to the Wikipedia it is simply a large, LARGE, Southern Cockroach.

Odds on, if you live in the South, you have already encountered a Palmetto Bug or two. What are they? Simply stated, a Cockroach. But not your ordinary run of the mill cockroach. No, they are nothing like the cute little creepy crawlies you see in Orkin commercials.

For one thing, Palmetto Bugs tend to be a bit larger then your average roach. I'm not kidding when I say that I have seen them grow to three inches or more. You may think cockroaches are gross, but the experience is much more vivid when all the gory details are magnified. As if that wasn't enough, Palmetto Bugs can fly!
Yes, fly.
You have never been creeped out, until you see a three inch roach fly up and land on the table next to you. And it gets worse, Palmetto Bugs aren't afraid of the light. You're just as likely to encounter one during the day as at night. The last little detail to distinguish the Palmetto Bug from your average cockroach is that they are armored. Step on one and you're lucky if you get its attention. You don't even get the pleasure of squishing one.
So far this summer I been hibernating during the afternoon heat and reading. I just discovered Greg Iles, a mystery writer I had previously missed. Great summer reads. I just finished five of them and liked Dead Sleep the best. The characters have depth; they're interesting and likeable, or unlikeable, as the case may be. The colorful descriptions of pre-Katrina New Orleans were spot on, and the pace is relentless. I highly recommend both the book and the author.
If you are enjoying this blog please let me know thru a comment or email. I need feedback to keep my enthusiasm going. (Thanks Alan, you are just about the only person leaving comments).

1 comment:

alan said...

You're welcome, Sue. It would be nice to have others respond also. But one is better than none!!
Greetings to our Sanpipers friends,
Alan & Stevie