Wednesday, June 4, 2008

How to be a Chick Magnet

Birds! You love birds, you come to South Texas for world class birdwatching. Now, I'm no expert by any means, but I have a bird ID book and binoculars within easy reach, and I put up hummingbird feeders twice a year for the hummer migrations. And Jim is a real seed and feeder connoisseur, even if the birds ignore his mixtures. So I was very pleased to read about our resident bird experts, Dave & Sandy, and their identification of a new bird discovered in their New York back yard, now named the Junkins Warbler. How exciting to have an animal named after you!

Which leads me to today's's nose hair. Stay with me.

In today's paper is a picture of a New Jersey barn swallow being artificially colored with a marker to darken his plumage to the level of the naturally darkest swallows...the ones the females find most attractive. Previous to the make-up application these pitiful little birds were the nerds in their world. Ignored by the lady birds, over weight, shy. A little natural male enhancement and their confidence increased, the ladies found them irresistible, their weight went down, their testosterone went up. See, if guys are more attractive they get more sex. It's just part of nature.

So men, take a hint from the mighty New Jersey barn, no, no...don't color yourselves with markers! Just trim those nose hairs (and fart in private, please) and you too will be a winner with the ladies.

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