Monday, April 13, 2009


Thursday morning is the kickoff for the new Butterfly Garden.
It's at the corner of Easy Street, between the 500 and the 600 rows.
Look for the crowd (yeah, right!)
If you want to help or even just fan our sweaty brows, show up 8:30-9 am.
Bring whatever digging tools you have, perhaps any plants you wish to donate.
Karen has provided a starter group of plants, and Rick and Kathie are donating the shrubs from in front of their home(we have to go dig them out)...and several others have dropped off assorted plants before leaving for the frozen north.
We are relying on the "kindness of strangers", or in this case "friends", to turn this dusty corner into a bird and butterfly oasis.
The same kinds of plants that attract butterflies also attract hummingbirds.
Check out this impossibly small baby hummer, waiting for his twin to join him.Perspective....
We'll probably attract all kinds of wildlife...birds and bees and bunnies...Whoa...different kind of bunny!
These "bunnies" were decorating for the delicious Easter dinner on Sunday.We harvested the park to provide color for the tables.Did you realize we had so many different and beautiful flowers?One of the hibiscus flowers that generated lots of interest was this beauty
from the front gate fountain garden. Sherry also has a few in her yard.
They are from a Texas hybridizer named
Barry Schlueter, who has developed a family of
beautiful tropical hibiscus named Bahama Bay.
This particular flower is called Sun Showers.
Check out his beauties
Another beauty!Rose among roses.

We live in Paradise!

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