Saturday, August 30, 2008

Common Sense Edicts

Boyoboy, do we have standing water.

If you have been following the blog for the last few weeks you are familiar with the pictures.

Water in the roads, water in the lots, under the mobiles and RV's...WATER OVER THE SEPTIC TANKS!

During our (hopefully) short term crisis there are a few things you can do to help.

Most are common sense but sometimes we just forget. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Avoid using the laundry...we are a nudist park for Heaven's sake! If necessary, either go into town to use a commercial establishment or do the smallest load you can here on site. The pay laundry is open but try to use it only if you must.

2. Short showers. The community showers are available, however, be aware they are cool for a encourage SHORT showers.

3. Don't be flush happy. And don't flush anything but acceptable toilet paper. Other paper products do not break down in the septic tissues, paper towels, wipes, or feminine products.

To quote our poet laureate, Bob D. (#514)

If it's yellow, let it mellow.

If it's brown, flush it down.

4. Don't run your water thoughtlessly. For instance, do you let the water run while you brush your teeth? Or when rinsing or washing dishes?

This info is from the Maryland Cooperative Extension of the University of Maryland. Note what they advise about using septic additives.
Conserve water. Fix leaks and drips. If you replace old fixtures, install new "low flow" types.

Do not overload the system -- this is the primary cause of system failures. Early morning and bedtime are peak water use times in the bathroom. Run dishwashers and washing machines at other times of the day. Don't do all the family laundry in one day.

Do not use a garbage disposal or dump coffee grounds in the sink. Increasing the load of solids into the tank decreases the capacity and shortens the interval between pumpings.

Do not pour fats and oils down the drain. They can build up and clog the septic tank pipes.

Put paper towels, tissue, cigarette butts, disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, tampons and other material in a trash can, not the toilet.

You do NOT need to add any commercial products or yeast to your system. Additives do not improve how well your system works. There are always plenty of natural bacteria available to do the job. (They come from YOUR digestive system.) In fact, additives can damage your system by breaking up the sludge and scum layers, causing them to flush out of the tank and clog the infiltration bed. Additives that say "Never worry about pumping your septic tank again" are the worst!

Use normal amounts of detergents, bleaches, drain cleaners, household cleaners and other products. Avoid dumping solvents like dry cleaning fluid, pesticides, photographic chemicals, paint thinner, or auto products down the drain.
This is a widespread local problem. Sandpiper's management is working daily to make things better. Pumping continues and progress is being made. All the above suggestions are just that-suggestions. Any efforts you can make will be appreciated.


Helen McNamara said...

Some great info here. Thanks for sharing!

Sue said...

Thanks for the good reminders. I plead guilty to doing a load of laundry at the clubhouse just this evening - whoops! I'll try the new one in by the dollar store the next time. The water is going down but we all need to do our part to help.