Saturday, August 2, 2008

The blog clog seems to have been fixed. Everybody, including me, was panicking, thinking that something was wrong with the blog, my connection, my computer...the list was growing! But all is working fine now.

So....what shall we talk about today?

Patsy sent me a recommendation for a great movie, Mamma Mia, with Merryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan. She said even musical hating Garland loved it.

Patsy says, "We just saw Mamma Mia. We went on the recommendation of Sue and Bob. If the Dog Days of Summer or the mosquitoes have got you down, just go see it. If you come out still feeling down, see your doctor (just kidding). We loved it, and Garland doesn't usually like musicals!"

That got me wondering about other movies playing right now, so I went to THE movie expert, Gary, for his advise. He heartily recommends the new Batman movie. He thinks it is the best by far, of that series and that Heath Ledger should win a posthumous Oscar.

Gary has been known to actually move into a theater, take up residency in fact. They have food, entertainment, sleeping accommodations (a bit cramped, true, especially for a guy of Gary's size, but do-able) ... cheaper that a motel room. And I like his theory that if you buy popcorn they owe you more than one movie. Have you priced movie popcorn lately? What the heck is the mark-up? 7000%?

Anyone else seen a really good movie lately? Jim & I just watched The Wizard of Oz again on TV. He for the first time all the way thru, me for perhaps the 20Th time. It was still good!


Aerial spraying for mosquitoes is being held up by paperwork! All agencies are on board except for Wildlife & Fisheries. I hope they sign off soon, as it is getting hard to inhale without breathing in a critter.

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