Monday, July 28, 2008

New Wrinkle to an Old Problem!

By now just about everybody knows about Sandpiper's legal problems with Gene Diaz. He tried to form a tenants association several years ago. The first meeting was in the pavilion and well attended by curious residents. After much discussion the majority present, realizing that the "association" was unnecessary, and following Robert's Rules of Order, made a motion to dissolve. Then, en masse, they all walked out.

Recently Gene has taken it upon himself to re-establish his association and has been sending inflammatory emails.

Here is the most recent:


Sandpiper is busy cleaning Dolly's aftermath. Sites 40 to 50 are under water. Maybe this is why the Hidalgo County Planning Department has no record of County Planning Permits to lease the sites 40 to 50. Without a Planning Dept. Permit you cannot get aseptic tank system permit. The County Health Department has no record of who dug the septic tank system. All of the above is public information. Do not ask Sandpiper, ask the County Planning Dept.and the County Health Dept. about the permits. The County is investigating the bribes. Row 600 is also under water. Where are the Planning Department Permits for row 600?

Septic tank system permits for row 600? Karen did get County Planning Permits for the community center, four unit motel or office. Of course, this means illegal septic tank systems are in place. Again the above is public information. Is this why there are no showers, or restrooms, in the former exercise room? One contractor is cooperation with the County Investigators.

In the Hidalgo County Commissioners Court a lawsuit involving the Hidalgo County, and the Hidalgo County Planning Department, and Sandpiper was discussed.Because of the suit, Hidalgo County Judge J.D. Salinas III, WANTS INQUIRIES address TO THE City of Edinburg. That is right, Sandpiper is in the City of Edinburg.

Take Care.

Sandpiper Tenants Rights Association


This is John Brittton's reply:

An open letter to Gene Diaz

Despite my request asking you to explain who and what is the Sandpipers Tenants Rights Association, I have not received any explanation. I notice that today, July 27, 2008, you again issued an email containing trivial and inaccurate statements using the name of Sandpipers Tenants Rights Association.

As a resident/tenant of Sandpipers I demand that you stop issuing emails or any other type of public or private statements using this name until such time that the Sandpipers Tenants Rights Association is a legally constituted organization and that the Board of Directors or by laws duly approved by the membership grant you or anyone the right to make statements in the name of the Sandpipers Tenants Rights Association.

Any statements you make in my name as a resident/tenant of Sandpipers will constitute an invasion of my privacy and will result in my taking whatever action I feel is appropriate to protect my interests.

John Britton - Lot 5 Sandpipers Resort


SandPeople, There is no Tenant's Right' Association. Gene tried to form one several years ago to enlist support and sympathy for his many lawsuits and perceived grievances. We are not fooled.


SueZ said...

Gene, to quote the cartoon, Peanuts, "When you don't know anything, you have to pretend you know everything."

Anonymous said...

Subj: what do you want?

What does septic system have to do with the hurricane and flooding?You are fighting for the wrong reason all you were being asked was to conform to the rules,now you are trying to take down the whole park because your loosing the battle.Say you won your battle and got to stay,now they will shut down the park and you have to leave anyway because your big mouth.If this place is so illegal why do you stay for 17 year's.Not until you don't get your way you TRY to find defect's.All the flooding had to do with the hurricane and the pumping into the field from the lake,once Karen notified them of the problem they stoped.Also I would like to know of the renter's association first I have never heard of this,who in charge?where do we meet,and who are the member's,since im a resident shouldn't the board contact me? Just where you coming from,do you want to live somewhere that nobody like's you,as you told that to me at the pool,and all your neighbor's were prick's.If you want money I think we could get a good donation for you to go away,that way you can find a place that you an have your fruit and cat's and sloppy yard and paint your house any color you want,and if you don't have insurance maybe your neighbor won't have any also and you both can sue each other,hopefully the other person will be a disabled vet and Hispanic and FREE legal aid.Why do you need shower's and a bathroom,I have one in my house,does your's not work aren't we suppose to be self contained,why do I see you go to the club house and use the restrooms every morning?to clean them?restock the toilet paper? I don't think so.
Looking forward to your answer to all these question's if you have one.

Tony and Sherry Bray lot 40
future new member of the newly formed tenant's association.

Kenito said...

Well said John! Diaz sent his email directly to me and I read it as an implied threat and as such I forwarded it to Karen.

Please read my comments in the original blog concerning his threats to shoot me if I messed with his cats. I have no fear on this score but the man shows himself as vindictive, deceitful and underhanded as well as possibly emotionally unstable.

Ken Howton

Anonymous said...

It is truly amazing to me, how one of the friendliest nudest park anywhere in the world, not just the US could be so mean to just you Gene. You are so deep in this that you are using anything you can to try to win another lawsuit. Wouldn't it be simpler to get a part-time job. It would also be less stressful for you and everyone in the world around you.
This is a problem of "YOUR" Own making. As far as the flooding, the RIO Grand Valley is flat at sea-level it is going to flood. Eventually, it will receed. Get a Life and a REAL JOB!!!!!!!!

SueZ said...

I received this email from Tony. It is Gene's reply to Tony's comment above:

Dear Tony,
Thank you for denying me the use of the lawn mower. I have just filed a retaliation complaint with the United States Government Fair Housing Division. Your action might have just sealed my victory.

There is a reason Lee, Al Finch and Terry Driscol were nor given planning permits, or septic tank permits, to develop rows 40 to 50.
Speaking of Terry. He personally, came into my site and delivered the paint that I colored my trailer
with. This was part of the settlement that the owners, at their suggestion, and I made in 2004, along with grand fathering my cats. The owners chose the
paint color scheme.

The Sandpiper Tenants Rights Association was formed in
2003, with nearly 100% resident participation. Per Texas Property Code, owners and management are not
only not allowed to join a Tenants Rights Association, but they cannot interfere with the association, or even ask about the membership.

You should know that today, the positive e-mails, are by far, outnumbering the negative e-mails about the Tenants Rights Association. You should get out more from poolside.

My membership rights allows me to use the showers, restrooms, and all facilities of Sandpiper, whether you or anyone else objects. This was never a problem
when the original Texas owners started the park. When the winter texans came, they felt that they did not have to follow the rules of the Great State of Texas.
If you have a problem conforming to Texas law why do you not leave? Go back to where you came from.

If the government is going to shut down Sandpiper, it
is because of Karen's actions, not because of Gene's
actions. Gene does not have the authority to shut down Sandpiper.
I hope this answers your questions. Thanks for the help.

Anonymous said...

First of all do you think I have anything to do with management?

I did not deny you use of the mower, all I did was ask were you allowed use of it, since you were a tenant at will? You were the one that jumped on me about that you weren't.

Why am I excluded from the tenant's right's association? Is that because you think I have any part of management? Check it out before you shout. I am just another curious renter expressing my opinion. I pay my rent just like ALMOST all in the park and abide by the rules as in my lease agreement.

I would like to see the bylaw's that were set up back in 2003 with almost 100%. Show me the name's, the minute's, when was the last meeting,(Diamondback Bar doesn't count)and who was there.

Like I said, I didn't deny you the mower. I was just asking. I have no right to tell you anything other than to get out of my house. Send that to your housing authority.

Tony and Sherry Bray lot 40

Anonymous said...

Relative to the Tenants Rights Association, you are only remembering what is to your advantage.

Back in 2003 you called a meeting to discuss the Tenants Rights Association. I attended that meeting along with others from the park. It was not attended 100%, but perhaps by 20 or 30 curious residents.

After significant discussion it appeared that you intended this group to support your personal vendetta against management. Most people did not agree with you.

Seeing this ploy, I proposed a motion to dissolve the home owners association. The motion was first and seconded, and then voted on. The vote was overwhelming to dissolve the association. At that time everyone simply got up and left.

No one at Sandpipers dislikes anyone because of their race, religion, or creed. If you are disliked it is because of your behavior.

What are you looking at to say people support you? If anything it appears that there is 100% against you. If you disagree, please send me the links that support you.

Also, about Tony denying you the use of a lawn mower. First of all Tony is not employed by Sandpipers. He volunteers his time to better the park's appearance, as do many of us. Do you? You are not a member in good standing here at Sandpipers. If anything you should only be allowed to enter and leave here. What right do you have to use the facilities? Your trailer should be self contained and as such, have facilities in it. Or does it?

According to bylaws all units are to be insured and self contained, and pets are to be controlled.

Why do you think you are special and these rules do not apply to you?

One of these days, the organizations you keep crying wolf to are going to ignore you.

Gene, you are the problem here, not Karen!

Jim & Sue 38

Anonymous said...

On Tuesday evening (July 29) about 7:15 I approached Gene in an attempt to obtain information about the Sandpipers Tenants Rights Association. My reason for asking was do to Gene’s lack of a reply to my emails. When asked, Gene could not or would not say why he had not replied to me emails.

I asked Gene to tell me more about the STRA. He could not or would not. I asked why when we bought the house at SPR we were not informed of the STRA, his reply was “I don’t know”.

I asked if I could have a copy of the rules or bylaws of the association. He informed me that he would have to discuss my request with others. I asked, “who are the others”? He could not and would not tell me. I asked who are on the BOD; who are the officers; have the bylaws been filed with the county as required by state law? No answer.

I told Gene that I had heard from other full time residents that there was no such association. He told me that there definitely was one and that meetings were held. I told Gene that based on his lack of answers and what I had heard that if this association really existed it was an association of one.

I should preface this by saying that when I first approach Gene with my question about the STRA, I realized I had caught him off guard. The expression on his face said everything; like “now what do I do and say”.

John Britton, lot 5,

Anonymous said...

I wasn't going to go to the Aug 4th hearing but I am now. I do worry that my emotion might cause me to say things before I think (boy will that be a first time). I want Gene to tell all of us face to face to "go back where we came from". I thought this was America and I had the right to live anywhere I wanted (and could afford). I guess Gene doesn't think that to be true. The first thing that attracted me to southern Texas was the warm hospitality of the people, both hispanic and "winter Texan". That is still true but for one exception. Sandpiper's is still the greatest place to live and the current owners are the best I have experienced. They care about the park and the members. Let's all go to the hearing on the 4th and make sure that Gene doesn't spread any more misinformation about us and SPR.

Maybe Gene will invite me to be a member of the SPR tenant association. I guess my invitation must have been lost in the mail.

Roy Robey
Site 24

Anonymous said...

Thanks Roy good comment,if we can let's all go to the hearing,gene say's he has more supporter's than denyer's.Let's see how big his side of the court room is compared to karen's.I think we all need to get on this bandwagon.Enough is enough gene has burned to many bridge's

alan said...

While we are unable to attend the Aug. 4 hearing since a commute of 2400 miles each way is beyond our means, please let it be known that we support the position of Sandpipers (Karen, Jay and whatever other names - corporate or individual may be involved in the procedings as representing Sandpipers).

We do not and never have supported the position espoused by Mr. Gene Diaz.

We sincerely wish for a judgement favorable to Sandpipers with the result that our winter home will be rid of its major problem.

Alan & Stevie

Anonymous said...

So, do we get to find out what happened at the hearing?

SueZ said...

Hearing has been postponed til next week, Aug 13th...maybe sooner if Karen gets her way.