Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Activity at Sandpipers Resort.

Since the water is not receding, indeed it may even be getting a bit deeper, we decided to add some fish to our new lake.

Jim and I stopped at PetSmart this morning and picked up 100 feeder minnows, called Rosy-Reds.

Besides being bred as feeder fish for hobbyists they are used by farmers in this area for mosquito control in irrigation ditches, canals and farm ponds.

The water is at least 18 inches deep in many places. I released them in several areas.

They looked happy. Smiley faced happy.

How happy? If speed is any indication of happiness, they were ecstatic. They took off at last.

Here is a link if you are at all interested in the fish. But really, they are just itty bitty minnows, who had better start eating larvae and multiplying fast.

Boating is now available at Sandpipers, submarine races are scheduled and Jim & I are renting fishing poles.

On our way to the store we took some pictures of the houses just outside the fence. They are in bad shape.

They have water right up to and inside their homes.

What a mess!

We have just as much water, but we lack the rusting old cars, piles of debris and assorted other yard messes, so we just look neater.
On the lighter side there were three teams for water volleyball.
We resisted the temptation to play in the field.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the great pictures, they are really helpful for those of us who can't get there to see the condition of the park. For those who are there, we are hoping that everything soaks in or runs off soon and that your lives can return to normal. See you in the fall.
Tom Butler

Anonymous said...

I love the fish idea! Way to go...outsmart some of the mosquitos. I wish the county would get on the ball with the aerial spraying before those pests carry us away!
Thanks for the great job you are doing with this.
Teresa #208