Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas is Coming! Deck the Halls!

Now that we are all stuffed with roast turkey, turkey sandwiches, turkey gumbo and turkey surprise, let's get down to business.

The next big holiday event is right around the corner.

Christmas means different things to different people but one thing it means to just about everybody is decorating!!!

Let's turn Sandpipers into a glittering resort.

This is our home, let's make it shine!

I am asking for oodles of volunteers to come to the pavilion at 10am on Monday morning, December 1st.

We'll hang wreaths, set up trees, festoon, beribbon and glitterize.

If you have decorations which you are perhaps tired of, or don't want/need anymore...decorations that are too good to toss...why don't you bring them to the pavilion Monday morning and we'll see if we can't use them in a new way.

We'll play Christmas music and have a festive good time.
Join in, you'll love it!


toni #46 said...

This is an apology and a pledge. Sue Z was kind enough to take a picture of Blue for our sandal in the community room and when I asked how to repay her, she said, "Help decorate at Christmas". I promised, and fecklessly didn't show up (for reasons to gruesome to recount." THIS IS MY PUBLIC PLEDGE TO HELP TAKE DOWN THE DECORATIONS, AND TO WORK ALL DAY UNTIL THEY ARE SAFELY AND ORGANIZED'LY STORED. And if I don't, you are all invited to throw sticks and small rocks at me. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

May we suggest a name for our newsletter. As a publication of this sort is meant to be a bearer of news to its readers and we, the readers are nudists, our suggestion for the newsletter is -
"The Sandpiper Barer".