Thursday, May 19, 2011

Back among the Living...Sort of!

It's been quite awhile since I did a post.
My brain has been lulled into hibernation by lots of pain meds, and I just haven't been up to blogging....but I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Tomorrow I have the last of the icky drains and about a gazillion staples removed from my new, belly button-less stomach.
Yes, I now belong to that rare club of alien beings without navels.
Wan'ta join?
Don't recommend's freaky!
I've started cooking a bit, Jim still has clean up duty (and is NOT pleased about that). I'm eating more, too.
How in the world did I get three hernias,
 and what caused all my complications????
Nothing like a near death experience to put life in perspective.

I should be out and about by next week.  Looking forward to the Memorial Day doings around the resort...super happy hour, flag pole ceremony and a Memorial Day picnic. 
I am so ready to be there!!!


Anonymous said...

So happy that you have improved so much. Keep on keeping on!
Patsy #108

Pam P. #122 said...

Great to hear you're doing so much better now!