Sunday, September 26, 2010

Shingles Shot

Patsy Offers These Timely Words....

Several years ago, Ken and Lois informed us
about the availability of the shingles vaccine
at Hidalgo County Health District.

Unfortunately, I didn't get the shot at that time.
Now I have been battling the pain of shingles going on the fourth week.

I also have been referred to a retina specialist
because my shingles is centered in my left eye.

Garland got the shingles vaccine after my experience
and said that he hardly felt the shot (he hates to get shots).

I would advise anyone who ever had chicken pox to check with your doctor
and get the vaccine.

It is especially recommended for people over 60.
Thanks, Patsy
And a reminder...
it's time to get a flu shot!


Anonymous said...

Doctors say that many people had such a light case of chicken pox as a child that they don't even know that they had it. When my daughter was pregnant, they tested her and found that she had the chicken pox virus in her body even though we couldn't remember her having had it.
Patsy #108

Pam P. #122 said...

I'm so sorry to hear you're suffering from shingles, Patsy. It was good of you to alert everyone else. That stuff is miserable. I had an outbreak several years ago. My daughter just had one recently. Whatever small pain there might be from a shot, it's much less than what is suffered during an attack.

Anonymous said...

Patsy, you are the second person I have known this month that had shingles. The other is Doris, sweet lady that runs Goldstrike Village RV in San Andreas, CA. This is a miserable disease, very serious, not your childhood chicken pox at all. It can be prevented. The shots are available at a reasonable cost. Everyone should GET ONE NOW if you haven't already done so. If you need a ride or directions, see Tom #44.

Anonymous said...

Patsy, you are the second person I have known this month that had shingles. The other is Doris, sweet lady that runs Goldstrike Village RV in San Andreas, CA. This is a miserable disease, very serious, not your childhood chicken pox at all. It can be prevented. The shots are available at a reasonable cost. Everyone should GET ONE NOW if you haven't already done so. If you need a ride or directions, see Tom #44.

Anonymous said...

I checked with our local Health Dept. and they were out of the vaccine. Was told to check back in Nov. or Dec. It cost over $200 to get the shot at the Dr's office if insurance does not cover it. So, we will check back before we head to TX. Sharon #116

Anonymous said...

The shingles shot at Hidalgo Health Dept. was $15.00. Medicare doesn't cover it. Sharon, you could wait until you get down here. Last year, they did run out from time to time but later got more of the vaccine in.

Anonymous said...

The shingles shot at Hidalgo Health Dept. was $15.00. Medicare doesn't cover it. Sharon, you could wait until you get down here. Last year, they did run out from time to time but later got more of the vaccine in.

Terry #502 said...

before we left in March I got my shingles shot from the Health centre. $15.00 bucks was all it was and a lifetime of no more suffering for me. I only needed it once to make sure I had the shot. Advised to anyone to get it. I never thought I would have shingles but guess what...there they were and painful. If available make the short trip and don't suffer....