Sunday, August 1, 2010

Road Stories- Pam & Bob.

Cape Cod

Bob and I have been wearing our AANR-East Roving Ambassador hats this summer.When we visited Sandy Terraces, a club located right on Cap Cod, we took time to do some sightseeing. Woods Hole had some interesting sea creatures

complete with their own special warning signs.

Provincetown claims the first Pilgrims landed near this spot before heading to Plymouth Rock.

Modern boats were ready on a different beach.

Some unusual bird houses were spotted inland

along with these flowers in someone’s front yard.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I love Cape Cod! My daughter, Paige, did summer stock at the Monomoy Theater in Chatham for 2 years. Naturally, I had to go visit each summer. Chatham was quaint and delightful. We were close to the beach and "laid out" there, but the water was freezing even in July. I'd love to go back!

Anonymous said...

I think we saw that ruined ship. We thought it was really old, but later found out that it was built in recent times for a show or something. Kind of disappointing.
It looks even worse than when we saw it about 15 years ago.