Friday, May 31, 2013

Day-to-Day Stuff...

I keep thinking nothing is happening so there is nothing to post,
but that's not quite true.

The pot holes are being patched...'bout time!

Concrete curbs are being installed in parking areas.

John P is selling his RV and had the dog scratched leather sofas and chairs refreshed...fabulous job!
If you are interested they will give you the name of the lady
 (on Seminary RD!)
 who did an excellent job!

Peeps are trickling away...
though there was a big turn out at the 
Memorial Day ceremony.

It's hot.
It's Africa hot.

It has been raining occasionally...
not much, but more than we are used to.

Jim is waiting for his hip replacement surgery date...

If anyone out there...
you know who you are...
has anything interesting to share...
let me know!!!

1 comment:

Terry 502 said...

Sue//as always u do a fabulous job of keeping us informed of the comings and goings on @ SPR. U showed some wonderful pics of your interested in how our papaya tree is doing. Would u share a pic of them for me...please....and thanks