Sunday, January 30, 2011 SnowLand!

Yuk, what a mess this past week.
 Edmonton, Alberta Canada is deluged
with more snow than anyone can remember.
3 feet of snow on the roof so some shoveling was done
 by my daughter's fiance.
Only half got done as it was way too slippery to finish
until things melted a bit.
The roads were so bad when I drove my mom to my daughter's house (in the picture) I got high centered about half a block away.
 Thank goodness her jeep pulled the car out to safety.

 These pictures show the pile up after the roads were plowed by the city, then at 9:30 pm the doorbell rang and a fella with a bobcat asked if we wanted to get the piled up snow pushed up to the lawn.
 That is where we stand for now.
-26c Monday morning again.

If any of you complain it is too cold...
come fill my shoes for a few more weeks, ok?

Miss you all and we'll see you sometime on the 24th.

Terry #502
Jeesh, Terry, you can keep it!
 -26 degrees?  When it gets that cold aren't Celsius and Fahrenheit about the same? Holy snowballs, but that's cold!

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