Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Skinny Dippers Reporting In...

Where were you Skinny Dipping?

Bob and Vicki participated in the AANR World Record Skinny Dip at Empire Haven Nudist Camp in Moravia, New York.

The weather was sunny and a hot 79 degrees.

Empire Haven had 156 in the pool. The occupancy for the pool is only 83 and someone checked with the state and no one has ever gotten fined for going over the occupancy number, so we took a chance and filled the pool with people.

Skinny Dipping T-Shirts sold out in an hour and any AANR towels, t-shirts and tank tops were going fast.


Vicki, our skinny dip was in the shower as the outside temp was a balmy 49 degrees, with drizzle!


David 120 said...

David & Mary joined the Skinny Dip at Forty Acre Club, where they had 203 Skinny Dippers in the pool. 220 had signed up, but who knows what happened to the missing 17? Oh Well...

It was a beautiful weekend in Missouri, with the high around 88 I think.

Pam P. #122 said...

Bob and I joined the Dip at Juniper Woods near Catskill, NY. The morning rain put a damper on the turnout but 76 heads were counted (nobody bothered counting other body parts).