Tuesday, July 20, 2010

On The Road in Alaska with Friends!

One of the reasons we traveled to Alaska this summer (besides leaving the heat of South Texas, viewing amazing scenery, eating the freshest seafood, and visiting with friends) was to attend Jeff's (Jim's nephew) wedding.
Upon arrival in Girdwood (just south of Anchorage) where Jeff had rented a gorgeous house for all of us...we find there is a bear in the tree over the hot tub.

Yup, that fuzzy butt is a black bear!

Did that stop me from getting warmed up?


The day of the rehearsal..at a gold mine no less...Jim & Melinda & I went gold panning.
We practised on a little bag of dirt and gold the mine gave us and each found our few flakes...but not anything in the river.The day of the wedding was wet and cold and dreary, but charming!Wedding cup cakes!We were dressed in our finery, on the porch of the log cabin where the ceremony took place.
After we left Girdwood we traveled south to Clam Gulch where we met the camp hosts.
Guess who?!
Les & Janet.
When we arrived Jim talked to this jolly bearded fellow asking where was Les....
didn't recognize him at all!
Don & Vanessa joined us for dinner.

We watched Don chop...

We watched Don cook...

I had a chowder lesson....

Then we feasted...

Clam chowder, fried clams, smoked salmon dip, vino, Trader Joe cheese (thanks Melinda!) Reindeer sausage, and a whole host of other goodies.....

Stay tuned for a tale of the buts...Halibut that is....

and don't miss the upcoming, "Clams, A Love Story", to be seen at a blog near you....


Anonymous said...

Sue and Jim,
Lovely pix and lots of fun. But, you kept complaining of the cold. It doesn't look cold now.
Keep having fun!

Anonymous said...

Is it true that a bear in the tree is worth-----something?
I've always heard that.

Anonymous said...

Supposed to be bare in the hot tub, not in the tree!

SueZ said...

Cold? You think 'cause the sun is shining it is warm? It is to laugh! As soon as the sun comes out these crazy Northerners put on tank tops, shorts and flip-flops. Doesn't matter that the HIGH for the day is 58 drgrees....it is summer, baby!

Anonymous said...


I guess that's why my daughter keeps telling me that it's cold in Seattle in July when it's 65.

I love "Bare in the hot tub" remark.

Pam P. #122 said...

Peeps can have fun no matter where they are or what the weather. You prove that!