Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm melting, I'm melting....

...and not from the heat.

Here are a few pics of the new me.

The first, on the left, was taken in early July, pre-surgery.
The second one, in the middle, Aug 10, and the one on the right, Aug 21.
I'm doing better now that I can eat better food, but I'll tell 'ya, it's been no picnic!
Nausea, discomfort, no energy...these are just a few of the many little annoyances you have to put up with if you do this surgery...BUT...I can't argue with the results.
So far, in 7 weeks, I've lost 50 pounds!
Just yesterday I started cleaning out my closet and have several bags of clothing to donate.
What to do?
Where to go?
Then I ran into Sue Ross.
Her church has a food pantry, and the lady that runs it has her ear on the charities of the valley.
Sue has volunteered to take any used clothing, household supplies, toys, food...anything of use over to this special lady who will channel the articles to the right charity.
A win-win for everyone!

So...if you are cleaning out your closets 'cause you've lost just masses of weight like me...or there are cans you got from an HEB deal-of-the-week that you'll never use...or you have way to many pots and pans...drop them of on Sue's deck at her NEW SITE #336. She'll take it from there.

Thanks Sue!


Pam P. said...

Congratulations, Sue! As Billy Crystal would say, "You look mahvelous, simply mahvelous!" And he'd be right, too.

Bernie #36 said...

Looking great Sue. Sorry it has been such a struggle after the surgery but it sounds like you are on the rebound. See you soon.

Anonymous said...

Sue, Save the sixe 14s for me. I'll buy them, you have good taste.
Mardi #34

Unknown said...

You are looking great Sue, sounds like quite a process but I'm sure you are happy with the results. I'm sure it always sounds easier than it is. Can't wait to get back to SP it feels like fall here in Colorado already but we are NOT leaving til it cools in Tex. Hopefully we won't have to wait til snowfall to leave here. Hi to all.