Saturday, August 1, 2009

Butterfly Garden Update

Here it is the dog days of summer...August 1st.
No rain for, for, well, it seems like forever.
Everyday 100 degrees or close to it.
How's the butterfly garden looking?
Thanks to all the wood chips layered all over the site (and the automatic watering system) the plants are holding their own.
And thanks to everyone who dumps grass clippings on a weekly, or even more often, basis, the crummy dirt will eventually be something we can work with.
Lots of room to spread out.

See the lot at the top of the above picture? That's Barry & Joey's lot...#50.

It won't be empty for long.

They'll be here tomorrow to watch the setting of their new home this week.

The orange flowers are a bunch of cosmos that I started from seed a couple of months ago.

They obviously love the heat!

The Esperanza (Golden Bells) is blooming non-stop.
I never can remember the name of this one, but it, too, is always blooming.And the Mexican Sunflowers are just starting. Grew them from seed, too.This is a charming native Poinsettia. Reseeds prolifically.Put it all together and it's quite a charming site.
Whoops, almost forgot the Gazania. Takes tons of abuse, and keeps blooming.
No butterflies were disturbed in the filming of this story.


lilizard62 said...

I stopped by the Garden yesterday and it really is coming along.
Great job.

Dona said...

The butterfly garden looks great! Thanks to all the Sandpiper Gardners who make it happen!