Friday, August 14, 2009

Heads Up! Planning for the Future!

Already the great minds are swirling with ideas to fill our winter months
with interesting and fun things to do.
One of the events is a new one. One that can tap into a ton of talent.
Sometime in January, before the madness of Nude Olympics, we're gonna have a
Showcase of Talent.
Any kind of talent, whether it's baking artisan bread.....or scrumptious baked treats.....
or building Grandfather Clocks....Or other hands-on wood working projects....
Or maybe you make something like lace, or sew a mean seam....Or crochet or knit or quilt something quite spectacular....Or paint, or sculpt, or work with stained glass....
Or maybe you specialize in body adornment...

Like beads, or jewelry...
What are you PROUD of?

What do you want to show off?

We want to showcase the wonderful talents here at Sandpipers with a reception, perhaps sipping wine and nibbling cheese, as we wander thru exhibits of outstanding talent.

The items could be for sale, but that really isn't the point.

We want you to share your wonderful accomplishments

Start thinking, and if you need to bring it with you, do so.


And start thinking about Halloween. Have you got a costume in mind?


Tony said...

Halloween OH YA be prepaired for Tony this year I am sure most won't be surprised some may??????

SueZ said...

Why do I think Tony's costume includes a big wig, larger-than-life boobs, lipstick and attitude?

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty good at Crossword Puzzles (NOT the Sunday NY Times), and I do a mean Crytoquip. Other than that, the announcement of this activity made me feel totally inadequate, so I'll just come and enjoy others' secret talents.
Patsy 108

LWP said...

Yes! The talent and hobby sharing event will surely be a big hit. We did it several years ago, and it was just great to see the boosted creativity all around, and to learn more about some people I hadn't known very well for one reason or another.

I even learned something about ham radio operation, for instance, and connected with a few low-profile poets. It was one of my favorite days at Sandpipers.

Pam #326 said...

My talent may fall outside the scope of this event, but here goes!Must the talent result in articles tangible or might the talent be an activity such as giving readings? I'll display some of my tangibles, happily, and would happily give short private readings based on (the sitter's choice) Native American Animal Cards, Western Astrological and Chinese Animal Birth Signs, Dream Interpretation, etc.. My talent and experience have been in using these and other intangible tools toward conflict resolution in relationships, families and work environments....and in just fun!
If this fits into the vision for
the event and there is interest,
let me know.

Pam #326

SueZ said...

Pam, that sounds most interesting a is a talent for sure. I can see you off in a private corner, dressed mystically, giving readings. I like it, and think it adds something to the evening.