Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Nose Knows....

We, Jim & I, are in Indiana.  We visited with Bob & Bernie, then Bob & Catherine.  Attended the Sunny Haven Sandpiper Reunion. Had a wonderful time despite doing a header over hoses and elec. connections.  Ouchy.
When we hooked up with Dr. Bob he noticed a sore on my nose.  I knew it was there.  Had made a dermatologist apt. for when we returned to Edinburg.
He said NO...go see my doc in looks kinda bad.
His doc took a biopsy, sent me to a surgeon in Indianapolis. 
Cancer...kinds severe, kinda, well, extensive....caused by sun exposure.
I have 40 stitches, two black eyes, a hole in my nose, and am THANKFUL  I am alive.
So when I say...please let me wear a sun shirt in the pool to protect myself...I AM NOT KIDDING!


Anonymous said...

So glad you had that done there and didn't wait til you got back, and wish you speedy recovery. Hope to see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery. We miss you.