Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Final Farewell to Fiji

Dear Sue, Tom and I both got into uniform
 for the final day of the cruise.

  He is wearing the typical Fijian outfit for men
 (yes, they wear these skirts daily).
  While Tom wore his with the same attitude the Scots have toward kilts, I don't know what the Fijian style is. 
 I found this sari at an Indian shop in the capital of Fiji.  The entire shop catered to the indigenous Indian population with the tourist trade only on the side. 
 A sari is about 20 feet of three feet wide cloth. 
The woman showed me how to tie and fasten it. 
There is one (just one!!!) knot. 
You then wind, pleat and tuck.
  Tom and I had to take a couple of tries to get me into this, back on the ship. 
 It worked, but I was sure that one good sneeze and I would end up with a pool of fabric at my feet.  
Thank goodness, with this crowd it would make no difference. 
Tom will take his last, "official" photograph for the contest at the Fiji airport. But, people can continue to send in guesses as to how many photos he took in the last 4 1/2 months right up to when we have our party at Sandpipers.
 [A hint: he actually ran out of card memory on one trip--yes, he travels with extras.]
We get back to McAllen at 8:40 a.m. on the 16th. 
Can't wait to see all of you.  
Love and hugs, L

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