Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Eyeballs and Beer-Great Combo!

What a great afternoon...after a dismal morning at the eye doc.  Needle in my eye, weepy pain, enough said...I was not a happy camper, til I got home and was invited to an impromptu beer tasting at John and Sue's, tasting some of the beer she brought back from Wisconsin.
 Sue's mom Bunny held court amongst serious beer tasters...

 John was overcome with emotion when talking with his son and inducting us into the Sandpiper's Beer chapter...something, something, lots of initials. * Give me a break.  I am writing this after drinking more beer that I have in ages.  Somebody had to finish the dregs and they were on the table by me.

 (Metropolitan Milwaukee Assoc. of Beer Tasters-
Sandpipers Chapter)
 Then of course we had to try out the beer popcorn and beer potato 
chips.  Tough job.
 More pours....teeny tiny pours...about 76 of them.
 This was Sarah telling us about how she and Vela will soon be neighbors...they have bought Mike and Sharon's house. 
We couldn't be happier! least they were when I finished with them....

What a nice afternoon...made me forget my sore eye...or maybe I was numb after all the beer.

1 comment:

Terry 502 said...

Well, checking these pictures your other eye was working very well in the lens. CONGRATS to Sara and Velo...neighbours to us down the road. Sue P. u and your mom are looking awesome. Looks like all had a fantastic time. Miss you all.