Monday, April 7, 2014

Ya'll Come to Book Club-Thursday, April 10, 11:30

With Louise hiking around Australia we don't have a hostess for this month's book club. She suggested that each each of us bring a question and/or comment about the book
(The All of It by Jeannette Haien) 
specifically  the secrets that all families harbor.  Some are light and some are serious, but we all have them, and how a family handles these are part of the fabric that knits that family together. 
Louise said, "It was well known that my maternal grandmother was pregnant when she and grandpa married.  It was a good marriage and all of us thought the circumstances were amusing--except my mother, who could not even stand to hear of it--even in light-hearted banter." 
 I will be at Flip Flopz at 10 if anyone would like to stop by and help me set up the tea cups and wine glasses.
Louise sends hugs and says to tell all she misses us.

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