Thursday, February 16, 2012

Another BIG Weekend!

Another PIP of a SandPeep weekend is coming.
First, Saturday, is the long awaited, much rehearsed musical, Mamma Mia! 
 There may be a few seats left for the afternoon showing. 
 I can't encourage you enough to go!
 If you have half as much fun watching as the cast did rehearsing, you are in for a treat!
Tickets are complimentary but necessary.
Go see Karen or Bill, #434

Art in the Park!
We can be just as hoity-toity as the best of 'em!
There will be wine...
there will be cheese...
there will be art....
Be still my heart!
Sunday afternoon, at 3:30, saunter over to the pavilion
(and outside, on the grass if the weather cooperates)
to get you some culture.
Hold up your pinkie as you guzzle the wine and munch the cheese and ooh and ahh over the talents of your friends and neighbors.
There will be


Precious collections of all kinds...

Impressive hobbies displayed...
If you want to get in on the fun of showing off your talents and/or hobbies and/or collections...go see Sue R. #36 or Nancy #212.
The more the merrier!

1 comment:

Terry said...

I so wish I were going to be there. I wish I was a jetsetter so I just hope a jet and be there with you all, but alas I am not. Have a great time for me and keep notes so that you can fill me in on the scoops. Miss you all.