Friday, April 22, 2011

Food Porn

I've been either very busy or very lazy lately
and haven't done much blogging.
First there was Jim's cataract surgery and I had to play nurse
and be all supportive and stuff. 
I'm a terrible nurse.
 I'm all..."Just get better already and quite bothering me!"
Then, after his first eye was done I celebrated by running off to the Alsace region of France with our daughter...had a fabulous time and didn't feel guilty at all. 
Friends and neighbors took pity and fed Jim
and kept him entertained.
When I got back he had his second eye done
and I got to play nurse all over again.
There have been lots of soon-to-be-goner events, water volleyball, gardening, shopping, doctor visits, etc., to keep me hopping.
We had an annual liver fest feast over at Joey & Barry's...delish!
Guido and Barry cooked the liver and onions...I forgot to find out...was that liver from the famed Saddletramp Ranch?
It was succulent.
The rest of us gourmets brought yummy treats.
I've been inspired by my recent French cooking experience...brought some French treats.
  Chicken liver pate and onion tart.
This is a picture of one of the duck liver pates I ordered in France.  My chicken liver pate wasn't quite this fabulous,
but it was pretty tasty.
And my tart wasn't quite as good, but almost!
I've been consumed with food lately...and consuming it as well.
Next I'm going to try to create creme brulee.  Look out, Jim has a butane blow torch for caramelizing the sugar top.
  I have the fire department on speed dial.
But reality has reared it's very ugly head.....
I have developed a hernia around near, under? my new stomach. 
Could it be from eating too much?
So more surgery for me next month.

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