Thursday, January 18, 2018

Texas Hold'em Comes to Sandpipers!

Texas Hold'em
Every Tuesday at Jakz, starting Jan.30

1. Cash Game (change available)

2. Blinds are $0.05 & $0.10

3. Max Bet is $0.25 til the last card has been turned up! 
Last bet can be $0.50. No splashing bets or raising.

4. Leaving the table, then returning will cost you the Big Blind, play or not, or you can wait til the Big Blind
catches up to your seat.

5. First hand begins at 7 pm and game ends at 9 pm. 
You can come in or leave anytime between 7-9 pm.

6. Play in order..wait your turn.

7.  The best 5 cards determines the winner,
not the person calling the hand.

8. No loans or credit allowed during the hand.  If you run out of money during the hand, the hand will continue with a side pot.

Questions?  See Herb at #411

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