Saturday, September 7, 2013

Lightening Strike!

It's been raining every afternoon for several days...
lots and lots of rain. 
 Yesterday we received about an inch. 
Doesn't sound like much in the grand scheme but at one point it was raining at the rate of 4 inches an hour!
And the thunder
and the lightening!
Heard a huge boom and a rattle crack that shook the house.
Did more than shake Tom & Adele's house though.
Hit their roof!!
It took off some shingles and fried their electronics.
ALL their electronics.
Computers, TV's, AC...probably microwave, so many things got fried!
I guess they are out shopping today.
Phew! That was scary.

1 comment:

SueP said...

Wow! We heard and felt the lightning/thunderclap and said to each other, whew - that was close! Maybe we should buy the extended warranty. . .

So sorry to hear about your house Tom, Adele. Let us know if we can help.

John and Sue