Friday, July 5, 2013

John & Mary-Border to Border -Chapter Three

After visiting Newport News and Jamestown we stopped at Greenville, NC to visit family - immigrants from Canada.
Greenville is the home of East Carolina University.
The population is about 110,000.
 Being a college town it must cater to the students.
We found Winslows.
Winslows started out in the late 1800's as a livery housing,
 buying, selling and trading horses, mules etc.
 It evolved into a family style restaurant.
Today it caters mostly to the college crowd and the locals.
What is the favorite libation of college students ----- beer!
They serve over a 100 draft beers and
about the same number of beer in bottles.

For the beer enthusiasts at SPR here is a picture of the bar area and one from their retail store, yes they sell beer and wine also.
We are on our way to Moravia, NY.
We will let you know what we find there.
John & Mary

1 comment:

SueP said...

Sue and John think you ought to bring back samples! (yeah, on your trike)