Monday, September 24, 2012

AED Info From Bill/Darbi

Darbi and I regret to announce that we are no longer able to sponsor the AED program here at Sandpipers.

At present the unit is "rescue ready"
and on our porch/Texas room
just inside the sliding glass door.

Anyone needing the unit can call 911 and then still get to it 24/7.

 What is changing is the opportunity for another willing volunteer to keep track of receiving any donations, paying fees, reporting on usage and readiness status to our supplier,
and replacing pads after each use.

Darbi & I are ready to explain everything
to the next "most-honorable" volunteer
to accept this 4/5 hour per month commitment.

 To be perfectly clear,
as of today 9/24/2012,
 no volunteer-no AED.

Thank you to all who have helped us provide this resource thus far.

 Most sincerely;
Bill & Darbi #3

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