Saturday, August 18, 2012

Energy Usage Issues.

A heads up for all summer absent Sandpeeps.
New "Smart" meters have been installed and a few Peeps are having problems with out-of-control bills from CP&L.

From 'The Great Land'


Anonymous said...

Yeah, we're one of those. We'll deal with it when we return in October. Best I can figure they have somehow altered our programmed thermostat when they interrupted the power to install the new meter. We're paying more than 2x last years costs.


David 120 said...

Ours seems to be OK but it was odd that our June usage was exactly the same as May, though we were gone most of June, with the thermostat set at 90. For July the usage was reasonable and the KWH rate was slightly lower than before. So we're not going to pursue any complaints.

David 120 said...

Tom, when they changed meters, all service stops momentarily. All digital clocks have to be reset, and your thermostat obviously "lost" its memory, where the program is stored. You'll have to re-enter the program.

David 120 said...

Tom, I just went down and checked your AC and it's running to beat the band, while it's only 75 outside.

Your thermostat is still sitting on whatever the "default" is after losing power. I don't know what that is, but it seems to be making your AC run a lot more, and that's why your bill is too high.

Did you leave a key with someone? They need to reset your thermostat right away to stop the high usage.

Anonymous said...

We've not had any problems and we leave air on 90 all summer.
Sharon, #116