Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dirty Santa Gift Exchange

Dirty Santa
December 23rd
6:30 PM

It's time for Dirty Santa!
I've heard this gift exchange called many things
 in different parts of the country...
Yankee Christmas
White Elephant
This year I'm hearing "Dirty Santa" everywhere. 
I don't think it's a new term, just popular this year.

The elves running the show are trying to make it go a bit faster.
To that end they are introducing an added feature:

You'll have one minute to pick or steal a gift. 
 Miss the deadline and your number goes back
 in the box to be pulled later.
At the end of the evening, if you have a gift you aren't thrilled with, a gift that just isn't you, there will be a last chance gift exchange among the unhappies.

Bring a gift, MINIMUM $20.00...
that's MINIMUM $20.00....
it doesn't mean spend $10.00 'cause that's under $20. 
 That would be maximum $20.00!
This exchange is MINIMUM $20.00!
Make it a uni-sex gift.
And NO GAG GIFTS, Please!
This means go buy something you would like to receive
and spend AT LEAST $20.00.
Got it?
This event is so much fun!
Plan to'll love it!
Did I mention it is Minimum $20.00?

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