Sunday, September 4, 2011

Dance of the Rain Goddesses!

Yay! It finally rained! 
I was so excited to hear thunder and feel the pitter-patter of rain that I broke out into an ancient Druid dance. 
Several fellow Goddesses joined me in an expression of joy...
and look, we even ran into a cloud of strategic butterflies! 
How fortunate!
I mean really...look at the absolute joy on our faces! 
They may have been a teeny bit of wine involved...
I can't remember.
I do remember Marijanne concocting a wine cooler with Pinot Grigio, bourbon....and I believe there were cherries involved.
Yes, I'm sure there were cherries.
That's what we were doing...eating cherries.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!


Sue said...

Well, you aren't the only Sandpipers having fun together! Way out west here in Sheridan, WY, Tom and Ellen and I met up on Friday and have been enjoying the sights, cuisine and libations of Wyoming. Today we are headed off to a polo match and rodeo. Yeehaw!

David 120 said...

"...a cloud of strategic butterflies!"


Sue, you put so much clever humor on here I'm ROFL. I love it!!