Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bike Marathon.

The Monitor Section B Front Page on Sunday, May 30th
with our own SP biker Mary Ann Boylan in the mirror reflection. How about that for a shot?! Mary Ann, Les #216, and Theresa #118 rode in this bike run.
Mary Ann and Les rode 25 miles. Theresa was going to do 25 then decided she would try for 40 miles and made it YEAH !!!!
The last 10 were a pretty hard as she had never ridden in 95 degree and windy weather before.
It was great fun, there were about 300 bikers,
we had a very nice lunch
and well deserved nap at home.
Mary Ann, Les, & Theresa


David 120 said...

25 Miles! 40 Miles!
CONGRATULATIONS on such physical prowess for retired people...

I once rode 58 miles in one day, and afterwards I could barely move my legs. I couldn't even walk! And I was only in my early 30s. But of course I had not done any training for it; I was the adult chaperon for a (fatherless) Boy Scout working for his Cycling Merit Badge. I was happy to volunteer though, poor kid, his Dad died at 43 of brain cancer.

David 120 said...

The "comment count" is incorrect on this post!?!?

David 120 said...

So now it's correct!!


Pam #122 said...

Congratulations!! That was an impressive achievement! Makes my little trips around the park seem a bit pathetic. Oh, well, we all have to start somewhere.