Monday, December 21, 2009

Time to SING!

Join in with your friends and neighbors
and get into the spirit of the season
with some Christmas carols.
If the weather is nice bring a flashlight (and a chair and a toddy, perhaps)
and gather at the
firepit garden north of the pool.
If it is too cold we'll gather in the pavilion and sing songs
that remind us of our childhoods and our families.


SueP said...

Looks like a cool (59-60 degree) night but clear in store for us. Fire pit is still on. . . .

David211 said...

Hmmm... the Weatherlink is stuck on Dec. 20.

SueZ said...

When we leave, we turn off the computer. Even though the weather station is on and seperately connected to the router, it doesn't seem to update.
