Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas Giving with Real Meaning!

A reminder from Sharon B.:
The Blood Drive
Monday, December 7,
8:30 am. to 12:30 p.m.
in front of the office.
Please bring ID and a list of medicines.
Also, please wear a cover up as a courtesy to the United Blood Services staff.
Sandpeeps have always met the Blood Drive quota allotted to us.
Let's send the quota over the top!
Sign-up sheet in the pavilion for time slots.
Questions? Ask Sharon B.
(# towards the end of the 100 row-I don't have my Sandpiper directory with me)


Anonymous said...

What's up with the poll? It indicates 17 responses so far but there are 16 responses that were I think it shows 94% and 3 responses that it shows as 17%. HMMM!


David211 said...

Tom, when I displayed the results just now, it showed 21 for the total numbers, but also said there were 19 responses. This occurs when a poll allows multiple choices to be marked.

So, apparently, 19 respondents checked a total of 21 boxes, while hitting the Enter key only 19 times.

(Now I'm getting a headache...)