Monday, December 20, 2010

Lunar Eclipse


Tuesday morning, coinciding with the Winter Solstice, there will be a total lunar eclipse for the first time in 3 years,
 lasting about 3-1/2 hours.
The eclipse begins at 12:33am, ends at 4:01am,
and the period of totality is 1:41am to 2:53am.
Recent weather conditions here suggest that
visibility might be very good.

David #120


David 120 said...

Well, the total eclipse was a total bust!

I went out right in the middle of it, at 2:20am, and the total eclipse was totally eclipsed by the total cloud cover.

Oh well, maybe next time. If I should live so long...

Jim 38 said...

I went out at about 1 and again at 1:30 or so and was able to see it starting and almost complete through the fast moving clouds. Every now and then you could see it clearly through the low clouds.